The survey showed further that 74% of those responding were married and that 69% of them had children. In- versely related to this fact was the finding that only 25% reported having had any homosexual experience at all, This figure is appreciably lower that the 37% for the male population at large given by the late Dr.Kinsey. This would seem to eliminate active or latent homosex- uality as a significant causative factor.

What then are the causes? There are aspects to the feminine world that provide non-sexual satisfactions. I believe there are five primary motivations to be stud- ied and I can do little more than mention them here. (1) The urge to self adornmanet-and the personality expression that goes with it, such adornment and person- ality projection is, I think and inherent part of male- ness which a quirk in the development of human society has removed from the male and awarded to the female. Regaining some of this, even though it is necessary to simulate a female to do it, provides some satisfaction for what I believe is a biological need. (2) The desire to acquire virture and to experience beauty, attractive- ness, goodness and acceptability in one's own eyes, by the same criteria commonly used by the individual to evaluate these qualities in others. This facet is direct- ly the result of the tendency of men to idealize women and to endow them with qualities which, in reality, rela- tively few possess. (3) A love of and feeling for women that impels a man to want to join them and partake of that which he admires and reveres. This is the identifi- cation with the social woman--the lady--referred to ear- lier. (4) The symbolic relief from the social require- ments of masculine aggressiveness in the more passive and quiet feminine role. Some men simply get tired of always having to be aggressive, decisive, strong, com- petitive, bold, forthright, etc. They are so trained that they cannot be otherwise in their regular roles but in leaving their regular role and assuming a new one they find a degree of relaxation and peace that surpasses by far any of the more common relaxations such as golf or bowling. "Jane" is not expected to be and to do what "John " must be and do. Related to this is (5), the relief from social expectancy-- from having to be what people expect of you.
